Saturday, July 19, 2014

Since arthur bonnet last summer, arthur bonnet PG

J ullie hebben toch ook gemerkt dat wij in alle talen hebben gezwegen over 1 mei? Snuggere lezertjes hebben wij! Wij vinden arthur bonnet dat er al te veel geluld wordt over de rooie toekomst en de verdediging van de kleine arthur bonnet man. Elke bijziende tuinslak merkt zo onmiddellijk dat de realiteit er spijtig genoeg helemaal anders uitziet. Het is immers niet omdat je een paar keer per jaar en zeker op 1mei wat orakeltaal uitkraamt dat alles beter moet, de armoede uitgeroeid en nog meer fraaie woorden dat we daar in de dagelijkse realiteit arthur bonnet veel van merken. We moeten dus vaststellen dat de kloof tussen de potenti le linkse kiezer en de linkse partijen arthur bonnet nooit zo groot geweest arthur bonnet is. Wij houden dus onze bek en we spreken over zeer concrete dingen zoals ons favoriete kluifje: de slimme meters. Gisteren waren we reeds blij jullie de eerste formidabele arthur bonnet resultaten van de massale plaatsing van die slimme metertjes te mogen voorstellen. Een kniesoor kan echter zeggen dat die firma er een knoeiboel van heeft gemaakt en daarom zochten arthur bonnet we nog andere voorbeelden uit de praktijk op. We zijn zo gestoten op een plaats die als een vloek klinkt in de oren van alle fans van slimme meters: Bakersfield. Het zegt jullie meer dan waarschijnlijk niets en daarom geven we wat uitleg. Ofg tenminste we laten jullie wat Amerikanen vertellen waarvoor Bakersfield staat. En we beginnen arthur bonnet stilaan te begrijpen waarom in het pilootproject van Eandis de analoge meter samen met de slimme meter blijft functioneren. Maar lezen jullie maar mee en let vooral arthur bonnet op de "dynamische tarieven" zoals men in Vlaanderen ook graag zou toepassen zonder er bij te vertellen dat de tarieven volledig vrij zijn en dat Vlaanderen arthur bonnet nergens een bevoegdheid heeft om in te grijpen moesten de tarieven plots de pan uit swingen zoals in California...
Pacific Gas and Electric Co. announced Wednesday arthur bonnet that it will test its controversial SmartMeters side by side with older analog meters at 150 homes, in the utility's arthur bonnet latest effort to defuse public suspicions about the new devices.
Since arthur bonnet last summer, arthur bonnet PG&E customers have complained that the new, digital SmartMeters overstate electricity usage and lead to higher bills, a charge the utility has consistently denied. So PG&E will pick 150 homes throughout Northern and Central California and test the new meters against the old for three months to see if any discrepancies emerge.
State energy regulators have already arthur bonnet hired a consulting firm to investigate the meters' accuracy. But so far, regulators have refused arthur bonnet to halt deployment of the advanced meters, which relay their information to the utility via wireless communication arthur bonnet California was the first state in the US to move ahead with full-scale deployment of smart meters. That decision can be traced back to the energy crisis of 2000-01 which analysts showed was caused in part by the failure to transmit dynamic pricing signals to retail arthur bonnet customers. In response, the California Public Utilities Commission arthur bonnet (CPUC) held evidentiary arthur bonnet hearings into policies to promote advanced metering, demand response and dynamic pricing. To fill a much needed arthur bonnet gap in knowledge, it authorized a two-year long pilot with dynamic pricing involving a random sample of some 2,500 residential and small commercial and industrial customers of the state s three investor-owned utilities.
Each of the utilities filed a business case for the deployment of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) based on a combination of demand response benefits, arthur bonnet which were anchored around the findings of the dynamic pricing pilot, and operational benefits in distribution. The CPUC approved all three business cases and meter deployment began at a rapid pace, hitting rates of 18,000 meter installs per day. All was going well until another crisis erupted arthur bonnet last autumn in the southern central valley town of Bakersfield. Some residents who were served by Pacific Gas & Electric Company complained that the smart meters were doubling and tripling their energy bills. Town hall meetings, encouraged in party by criticisms that were voiced by a state senator, were held in Bakersfield and in Fresno, a town further up the valley. The senator called officials of both the utility and the CPUC to task and called for an independent inquiry to be held (which has recently been initiated). arthur bonnet In December, the New York Times carried an article entitled, Smart Electric Utility Meters, Intended to Create arthur bonnet Savings, Instead Prompt Revolt. This was widely cited in the industry. And more recently, Christine Hertzog posted an article on the Energy Collective website arthur bonnet with the provocative title, Is PG&E killing the smart grid? [ ]. Ms. Hertzog s article did not dwell on the Bakersfield problem. It also criticized arthur bonnet PG&E s attempts to al

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