Saturday, March 14, 2015

Added: number of updates to shopping cart, add a trigger when JS. New: buy on the confirmation URL

Added: number of updates to shopping cart, add a trigger when JS. New: buy on the confirmation URL adds a new CSS class name to download the file: introduce a edd_is_success_page () function is new: edd_get_variable_prices introduced on the filter () function New: Added preferential markup New: Added edd_get_sales_args filter New: Added edd_get_cart_content_details_item_discount_amount filter New: Added edd_get_cart_item_tax_item_discount_amount filter adjustment: increased $ payment_id to edd_email_receipt_download_title filter adjustment: When new checkout, select the country backcourt rest adjustment: Remove direct call wp_enqueu_script ('jQuery's) because it relies on a load. Adjustment: Improved dashboard summary components layout adjustment: adjust the column sewing cabinet width to improve the download form: Updated language files adjustment: start and end date payment limit by adjusting the count: Improved pitch adjustment sewing cabinet in payment record: Ajax request to delete a random number from the front of the field Correction: allows you to delete the work within the ajax calls correction from the shopping cart button: correct total number of sales statistics sewing cabinet sales format Fix: Delete the uninstall process all the custom classification and terminology Repair: EDD_HTML_Elements class by incorrect HTML text field repair: by HTML checkboxes improper EDD_HTML_Elements class field Fix: Broken EDD_Payment_Stats cache key amendments: correct account when global $ post is not in edd_get_purchase_link () Repair: Car amount may become negative, this is stupid repair: from wp_editor Use () and notify WordPress3.9 abandoned Fix: Dashboard Widgets cursor misconduct Fix: Broken checkout payment icons Fix: $ WPDB -> deprecated escape notice () Correction: sewing cabinet not retrieve the user, if no key EDD_API setting restoration: fatal error by EDD repair WP CLI installation: the Australian state function typo fixes: Undefined index edd_count_purchases_of_customer () fixes: InlineEditPost JS bug fixes: sewing cabinet JS bug fixes in IE: The New Zealand currency incorrect format Fix: Incorrect verification Serbia ZIP Repair: When Checkout login user's email address is not verified Fixed: Incorrect slash in the URL of PayPal IPN repair: Ajax Product drop-down search did All products returned to find the fix: file downloaded named Android equipment "index.php" Fix: card status and card nationwide field duplicate field ID Fix: String discount administrator can not translate Correction: empty carts and FORCE_SSL_ADMIN set to true restoration: improper tax applies sewing cabinet to countries not included in the tax rules of repair: Unable to override sewing cabinet the global options file download limit fix: when needed, in addition to the management do not load script fixes: failure of payment icon on Microsoft IIS server Fixed: incorrect statistics and reports to repair a custom date range: edd_get_chosen_gateway () does not respect the default gateway

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