Wednesday, November 27, 2013

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It pays to let the kids use the kitchen to learn how to cook, says cookbook author. 20 May 2013 kl. 08:08 Children love to cook, so leave them in the kitchen, will you be happy when they get larger, for example, can take over the cooking of food days, they even manage. Colourbox
If you are a crazy mother and father, so you learn your kids to cook. Because if the kids from the age of 8-10 years learning to cook hamburgers and bake buns, so get you bet more than a hundred times again when the children are grown.
As they have learned to get the joy of cooking for others - and they can relieve you of køkkenet.Så single message indian kitchen can be from chef and cookbook author Katrine Klinken, who has just sent cookbook Children's Kitchen on the street. The book is a collection of the last 10 years of producing children cookbooks from her hand.
-The fact that going into the kitchen and cook for her family, is not something that simply must be overcome. Perhaps it is that parents today need to learn to time in the kitchen is a unique opportunity to be with their children, indian kitchen while to cook, so we hear also about how their day went, how it goes at school, etc., Katrine Klinken whose own children have grown up with a mother who has included them in the process in the kitchen since they were little. Cooking indian kitchen is important
-Now I'm probably also special because I am a professional, but I've never had anything against the kitchen was used and that things were filthy. And I can remember that when my children were chopping vegetables, so it was perhaps as much a fun water games, but we were in this together to cook, says Katrine latch on.
She thinks that we have to involve their children in shopping for supper, indian kitchen for it is here that helps to determine what the family will eat at the dinner table while Chrildren learn about health and economy when, for example, see what things costs:
-This is where you can go and pick and talk about what they like to eat - again, it's about making purchases for a good time, says the author, who believes that children learn to cook is as important as they learn to ride a bike, swim and read. We are busy
For busy parents might forget anno 2013 that their children actually want to cook. According to the author, the children are highly motivated indian kitchen to learn - but it requires their parents to let them into the kitchen and let them get to.
-The desire becomes the killed if they can not be allowed to express themselves in the kitchen. indian kitchen From the age of eight to 10 years, they can well be with, and when they are slightly indian kitchen bigger they can have their own food days where those that control - it may as well be that parents must adjust to the fact that it can be pasta with meat sauce several times in a row, but they must live with. In return, indian kitchen the children who want to express themselves, and as you can easily ask to cook, if one is in a hurry and get home late from work one day.
-So it's money well spent to let the children come into the kitchen and learn to cook. One must remember that what to cook for others is a love letter - the Pope proud children indian kitchen who can bake muffins for mom and dad on a Sunday morning and see their enthusiasm. All of us who cook, may well like to give it to others and enjoy people's joy at receiving it. Photo: Â JP / Politiken Publishing A / S Share this article: Mail Twitter Facebook Print Share article: Mail Twitter Facebook
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Select topic Select topic Kids Sex and relationships Exercise Your Body In Balance Good Food
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