Tuesday, August 12, 2014

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Haj and Umrah obligation for a Muslim to Mecca Hajj is obligatory for every Muslim who can afford, both economically and physically. \ But who among the Muslims who had never in his life when he was able to do Hajj or hunks Then he fell into a great sin, because Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam among that could make it then it was carried out. As for those who really can not afford, either physically or economically, Islam by charging his people, and those among Muslims who consider Haj is not obligatory or Sunnah then, he is out of Islam, after its argument should the obligation of a Muslim Haj: Allah Ta'ala says: ولله على الناس حج البيت من استطاع إليه سبيلا ومنكفر فإن الله غني عن العالمين "Doing earthy Hajj is a duty to Allah, earthy that is (for) those who can paid trip to the house. Whoever denies (hajj obligations), Allah is Rich (do not need anything) the worlds "(Surah Ali Imran: 97). As well as the hadeeth of Ibn Umar radhiallahu anhuma he said: Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wasallam was said بني الإسلام على خمس: شهادة ألا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله, وإقام الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة, وحج البيت, وصوم رمضان "Islam is built on five cases: Laa ilaha illa Allah Version and the Prophet Muhammad, establish prayer, and pay Zaka, Hajj at home, and the fast of Ramadan. " (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and there is no 8 16). And Abu Hurayrah radhiallahu anhu: The Prophet earthy sallallaahu alaihi wasallam berkhutbah and he said: يا أيها الناس قد فرض عليكم الحج فحجوا. فقال رجل: أفي كل عام يا رسول الله? فسكت حتى قالها ثلاثا, فقال: لو قلت: نعم, لوجبت ولما استطعتم "O mankind !, it was prescribed earthy for you then this berhajilah your pilgrimage. Then, there is the one who asked," What is required every year, O Messenger of Allah? "Then earthy he fell silent. Until someone asked him a third time he replied," If I say 'yes' then, it will be a mandatory pilgrimage each year, and you definitely will not be able to do it. "(Narrated by Muslim, no. 1337) argument above shows clearly the obligation for every Muslim pilgrimage, we can all one day can make our work on this once, one or more of our lives, and the permission of Allah Excess Workers As privilege for Hajj Umrah, Umrah services earthy have also exceeded. umrah pilgrims Though often referred to as small as it is a picture of the implementation of the Hajj on a small scale. Umrah is one of the most important is to eliminate poverty. umrah Because there is a very large endeavor. Even those who can carry out the umrah is already out of poverty. Actually there are many hadiths that talk about the advantages of Umrah. earthy Among them are: A. Being a guest of God In Ulumuddin Ihya ', the RA Abdillah bin Jarir narrated that the Prophet earthy Muhammad had said that: "Guests of God there are three groups, namely those who pilgrimage, earthy and fighting berumrah "2. Reward doubled Abuse Suhail Abu Hurairah RA hear that Prophet saw said in Farewell Hajj 'to Mecca:" Pilgrims and Umrah are the guests of Allah SWT. It will satisfy those ask, given what they were praying, earthy compensate them for what they spend doubles and a single for him to have a million dirhams dirhams "(Al-Fakily, Muhammad Ibn Ishak) 3 If not brought to account Umrah died today at Ulumuddin Ihya 'home, called the Prophet Muhammad had said that: "Those who came out to make the pilgrimage, or umrah then to die, then the effects of reward and berumrah pilgrimage day of Resurrection. But those killed in one of the holy land of God, then, later it was not prosecuted nor brought to account, but said to him: Go to Heaven '"Just 4. compensated for Ramadan earthy Umrah and Hajj In Sahih Muslim narrated earthy by Ibn Abbas RA, which the Prophet Muhammad said the point: "Performing Umrah during Ramadan Hajj match" 5 Sin and eliminate poverty in Ibn Majah, RA Umar narrated that the Prophet Muhammad said that intended: "Hajj and Umrah Perturutkanlah between, seen between successive turutnya would eliminate poverty and sin, Kir worship (nyalaan fire at a blacksmith) earthy which removes the impurities of iron" 6 Although required earthy once (if able) Umrah is also prescribed for those once in a lifetime if they can afford. Although not required however the Meccans only perform umrah pilgrimage alone. Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah: 196 which means: "And complete the Hajj and Umrah God kerana" So did Ibn Umar RA than saying "There is no one-except the obligatory Hajj and Umrah once head "(Al-Bukhari) 7 Elimination Sin In the history of Al-Bukhari, Rasululluh SAW said this means:" One of adoras

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