Friday, June 6, 2014


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Mia I'm a Christian girl with a big dose of exuberance. I am blessed with a husband and kids and a good home. Although most people probably would say that we have a common and simplified life, so I really feel that we have an abundant life when we see what conditions people live in around the world. Here on the blog I will share my thoughts about my faith in a living God, what I mean to be a Christian and how I want to live my life with God as Lord and Father. Here come the words for thought, words of comfort and words that will challenge you to take a step forward from where you are today. I'm brooding nature and have therefore chosen and called my blog "philosophical" as most who are here are my musing about this and that in life. I have faith to do and say things simple so everyone can understand alcove it. And convenient, so you can take it everyday and use it. View my complete profile
Once I even read what others alcove write about Christian faith, I like to know what it really is they believe. There are so many beliefs and theories alcove and I want to be clear about my faith. I believe in God, the Triune God, the living God who is our Father in heaven, Jesus the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins and the Holy Spirit who gives us strength, help and guidance in everyday life. I believe that the Bible is entirely true and full of God's alcove word that he wishes to share with us and reveal to us. I think if you want to be a Christian and live as God wants us to live, so it does not help to just go in the chapel or church on Sunday morning, and the rest of the week living like everyone else. I believe that God has a plan for each of us, and to live in the plan need to have a personal relationship with God.
The reason I have chosen to call the blog a philosophical corner is not that I feel so very philosophical or special trailer that philosophy, but I like what philosophical questions does to us. If any professors or philosophy students alcove would come across this then they will certainly alcove find many mistakes in my interpretation of philosophy .... but who cares?! I think that philosophical questions makes you think, it's not a definitive answer, but rather many answers. And the answer must be constantly tested to see if there is more knowledge alcove about it later, alcove and then see what the knowledge makes with the answer we already have. There is something big, something that concerns everyone and everything, or large, general perspective. For I sit enough unfortunately not a lot of definitive answers, but with a whole lot of thoughts and experiences. And as I learn the word of God better known and get more revelations like to change alcove your answers a bit. One sees more of the big picture God is trying to show us. And this is what I will share here, so if you disagree with me then that's ok, but here's my thoughts ...
Evigkjrlighet -

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