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The household should be understood group of related or unrelated, living together and sustained. bathroom color ideas If any person in this apartment is maintained bathroom color ideas separately, he or she creates a separate person household. A group of unrelated persons living together can create one Shared household, if you remain together or more person households. Households made up of individuals living permanently or temporarily staying in the apartments.
The definition of a household is based on the criterion of the joint managing income, regardless of the source of the income. This is called. economic definition, used in all previous censuses of population and housing, as well as - with minor modifications - in sample surveys bathroom color ideas conducted in private households. Determination of the number of households in the apartment and kinship between the people in each of these households - is extremely important to extract the number and types of families.
At the end of March 2011. , there were 13,572 thousand. households, ie about 235 thousand. (1.8%) more than in 2002. [1] The number bathroom color ideas of households in urban areas amounted to 9150 thousand. and increased by 186 thousand. (2.1%), and 4,422 thousand in rural areas. and increased by 49 thousand. (1.1%) - compared to 2002.
As follows from the data, the number of households in the cities is more than two times higher than in the countryside. This is mainly due to the fact that more lives in urban than rural populations, and that farms in cities are much smaller.
In the years 2002-2011 a slight decrease, bathroom color ideas the average number of people in the household - to the level of 2.82 in 2011. (In the year 2002. Average was 2.84 persons). Much greater changes were observed in the years 1988 - 2002 (average number of household members in 1988. Was 3.1). However, major differences were observed in urban and rural areas (see Table. 1). There is still a trend of decrease in the size of households living in urban areas - an average of 2.54 persons (2002. Was 2.6), while in rural areas the process has been halted - the average number of people per household increased to 3 , 4 to 3.33 in 2002.
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