Embarrassing is the whole game, in which some want to sneak into the legal system laundry room cabinets as an unacceptable interpretation FAMILY laundry room cabinets any compound of two or more adults (!?) People, while others are trying to lay the foundation of the legal system to sneak biblical concept of Human Rights and the Family, whom he did not want to understand "the-primordial" and is based on canonical modern slurry.
Let's start with the Bible. I do not know the Christian church that would fully surrendered to one of the first biblical record of Genesis, in the description of the creation of the world: "God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them male and female". Maybe I'm not a genius, but for me all of this is clear: MAN - a woman and a man, and not man or woman. NB: this one even believes laundry room cabinets also shows a very specific vision of God (as a man, a woman and a man, created in the image of his).
So I read this verse in such a way that in the biblical sense man is fully human only in heterosexual couple when "composed" of Women and Man. Sodomites in every aspect of the word he and she are not yet a family (this will be after the success of procreation), but are no longer fulfill Man. For this God is not appointed, who is in a relationship with her is Onego "Mr. Head," though clearly suggests that natural (natural) roles, laundry room cabinets and along with that division - the "social laundry room cabinets division of labor." laundry room cabinets
We will only add to the scientific creationists that a few lines later we have a poem, "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath laundry room cabinets of life, so that man became a living being" laundry room cabinets - which is almost a literal description of the evolution, if sober "dismantled factors "any of the words used. And it is in this part of Scripture contains - apparently another - a description of the creation of Women as the fruit of Adam's ribs transubstantiation. In fact emphasized here that He and She are one, even physical. And finally confirmed the convergence of Chapter 2 of Chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis: "a man leaves his father and his mother laundry room cabinets and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh", which can mean only one thing: you were created as the result of man (heterosexual couples ), but when you leave the pair - create immediately a new pair because I alone - that you're no man, no more than man.
Men wrote the Bible, living in a particular culture favored men. The man - a biblical assumption - is imperfect. Even if revelation, under the influence laundry room cabinets of which they wrote, breathed divine perfection - it's imperfect HAVE TO authors on this basis imperfect work, which does not mean false, untrue. Surely this was the imperfection of man-cultural preference that "mataczyło 'original description of Man. Do not contradicted him, only "mataczyło".
And now let us go to the "Chamber of secular" because this is the place where you reign supreme and the law. In this house of man and woman are distinct biological entities (gender), social (psycho-mental) state (citizenship). Sex has been quite clearly defined in legislation (hence legalistic problems with people who are different than the "typical" sexual relationship between physicality and psyche, or who have physical and or psychological characteristics of both sexes). More recently (from roughly 200 years) in different legal systems have begun a process of equality before the law równouprawniania (cultural equality does not exist - so far - nowhere as commonly satisfactory Women).
Note that the political and social impairment Women - Men managing the work of the churches. It is their centuries laundry room cabinets of humiliation pregnant women, moved as "standard" by the culture of the Collective Consciousness, in law, to all forms of public laundry room cabinets life.
Secular (marked by dogmatic mundane) disconnect Women of Man (and favoring the latter, outside the enclaves matriarchalnymi), which have their origin in physical and bodily autonomy, laundry room cabinets the attention of State and Law on the concept of family. Appeared in the area of conceptual man-family-house in which the State and the Law shall be performed by, and still control, "kastrujących" laundry room cabinets the idea of the whole humanistic depth. In this way, the concept crystallized Household: at first on the basis of "dry" Economics and then in other areas, but today the term is not found satisfactory legal connotation (eg, Polish Constitution speaks of the Family, and the tax system is Solutions for Home Economics).
My position on this issue, based on the above considerations, the following: Whoever wants to lead a common household (two or more people) - it's your absolute right, and since you depend on any political solution in this case (eg, reductions, charges, joint accounts). Anyone for