Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Given the above, on several occasions the authorities have called not to consume sushi in places th

Sushi Lover nearly killed by severe infection: Strong images free standing kitchen cabinets show parasites throughout your body | Kitchen
The sushi is a type of food that today is in the diet of many people and may acquire virtually worldwide, for this is that with this massification have also increased cases of food poisoning this.
It is the case of a Chinese man, who after consuming a significant amount of sushi with fish shabby felt a strong stomach pain and itching, leading to visit a doctor in Guangzhou No.8 Hospital People in Guangdong Province, in eastern China.
Already in the query, the surprise of this sushi lover was higher, as the Yin doctor's diagnosis was clear: I was infected with a parasitic infection diphyllobothrium name as well you could be killed. Specifically, he had consumed sashimi, i.e. sliced raw fish, which would have caught.
To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor who treated the patient to eat sushi as replica DailyMail, decided a scanner, which were confirmed all suspicions and it was monumental record of the man carrying the infection.
The same professional explained that eating raw contaminated food leads to a number free standing kitchen cabinets of bacteria to enter the patient's body, staying in it and that reach the bloodstream, being deadly if it reaches the brain.
Note that sometimes happens that the same fish parasites that once housed free standing kitchen cabinets dead fish begin to eat meat, so this when ingested after several may contain larvae or the same parasites.
Given the above, on several occasions the authorities have called not to consume sushi in places that are not established and having a prefect hygiene, otherwise what a pleasure could end in tragedy.
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