Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lightness updated 9/11/14 lúc 16:27 New User Email

Ok, so here is my release of a requested addon! This addon allows a user to choose a 'vanity name' via their personal details page. They can then go to <sitedomain>/<vanity name> to view their profile. They can also use <vanity name>.<sitedomain>, however bath vanity due to loads of issues I've had I set this to redirect back the main URL (<sitedomain>/<vanityname>). It is permissions controlled - only users with permission can set their vanity name. The vanity name can only contain letters, numbers...
Bài bath vanity viết cũ hơn New User Team Mail - 1/1/14 Reset Password using Secret Question - 30/12/13 Assign Style based on Viewer s Time - 30/12/13 Attention Zero-Posters - 30/12/13 [Iversia] Identicon - 29/11/13
Bài viết mới nhất Mu online bath vanity open 17/11/2014 GM Quan Tâm MEM - 57 phút trước Nhờ các bạn thêm Recommended giống vxf - Hôm nay lúc 18:57 Thuê người thiết kế trang chủ - Hôm nay lúc 18:44 Postbit đẹp , bác nào máu không :) - Hôm nay lúc 17:30 các bác cho em hỏi - Hôm nay lúc 16:43
Restricted Names In the options for this addon, you can now list words that cannot be used as names. They can be used as names by administrators however, see below. bath vanity Edit in AdminCP You can now edit a users vanity name in the AminCP, under the 'Personal Details' tab. When editing via this method, restricted names are not checked. Bugfix There is no longer an error when you remove your vanity name. Case sensitivity fixed - User was classed as different to user.
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Lightness updated 9/11/14 lúc 16:27 New User Email
huyfed , loc1388 , mavachrt , ngohanhduc , thiet , saohaivuong , doanHoangNam , RuChi , datdaik000 , anhdaipro097 , bibiduy , ecko , boynetbom , Cts , xxxxxDuyxxxxxx , dq2014 , vandieutot , choingaydi1 , Bobsilvio , Bcat9505 , Zanag , salemnb , TruongHao , ngockhanh_bb , lh1987 bath vanity , phongthan91hn , tmcodon , no_it , shin_conan , binhdq
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